Mexico tries to bring drought-stricken lake back to life


Mexico is taking measures to revive Lake Patzcuaro, which has been affected by drought and heat waves. The authorities have released 10,000 juvenile silverside fish into the lake as part of their efforts to rejuvenate it. By the end of the year, they aim to release a total of 50,000 fish. This initiative is expected to help replenish the lake’s water levels and attract fishermen and tourists.

However, the lake’s situation has been worsened by drought, heat waves, and water theft. The National Meteorological Service reported that Mexico experienced its driest year on record in 2023, with rainfall being 21 percent below average. Additionally, avocado producers have been illegally extracting water from the lake to irrigate their fields, which has further depleted its water levels.

To address these issues, authorities are removing mud, plants, and waste from local springs that supply water to the lake. Fifteen new springs have been discovered that produce clean water, which flows directly into the lake. The state government estimates that Lake Patzcuaro’s surface area is now barely half what it was 30 years ago.

Drought and pollution have led to mass deaths of fish in several lakes and waterways in Mexico this year, including the Santiago River in Jalisco state. In some cases, wastewater released by companies upstream has been suspected as the cause.

Overall, Mexico’s efforts to revive Lake Patzcuaro are aimed at bringing back its natural beauty and supporting local communities that depend on it for their livelihoods.

Source: France 24