Mayor of Churumuco, Michoacan was shot dead at a taqueria in Morelia


On Friday, March 29, in Morelia, Michoacán, Guillermo Torres Rojas, mayor of the municipality of Churumuco, was shot dead while he was at the El Infierno taqueria, accompanied by his son.

The attack was carried out by two individuals who were traveling on a motorcycle, also leaving the mayor’s 13-year-old son injured by the gunshots.

The homicide took place in a well-known establishment in the town when, without warning, the attackers opened fire on Torres Rojas, hitting him with at least three bullets.

The injuries suffered caused cardiac arrest that proved fatal for the mayor. According to police reports, emergency services quickly responded to the site of the attack, but unfortunately, Torres Rojas had already died.

The community of Churumuco and the state of Michoacán are shocked by this tragic event, while the authorities have initiated the relevant investigations to find those responsible for this crime. So far, no arrests have been reported related to the case.

This murder adds to a series of acts of violence that have affected public officials in Mexico, highlighting the risks they face when exercising their positions.