Are you a Mexican migrant worker abroad? Insure yourself and your family with IMSS


The new IMSS incorporation scheme for any migrant worker makes it easier for Mexicans to insure their families.

It does not matter that you live abroad, if you are a Mexican migrant worker, the (IMSS) offers you the opportunity to register and insure yourself and your family.

Through Modality 10, the Mexican Social Security Institute offers the possibility that independent workers who work abroad can join the services offered by this institution on their own account.

This means that merchants, artisans, and non-salaried workers, who work on their own, can access IMSS services in national territory.

Currently, with the Pilot Program for Independent Workers or Modality 10, it is possible for independent workers living abroad to have a social security scheme for medical services in Mexico.

What are the requirements to register with the IMSS as a migrant worker?

To enroll in the IMSS as an independent migrant worker, you must have the following:

  • curp
  • Social Security Number (NSS granted by the IMSS)
  • Address in Mexico and contact information
  • Email

Who are the people who can benefit from this Modality?

Those are established in section I of article 13 of the Social Security Law. That is, workers in family industries and the self-employed, such as professionals, merchants, artisans and other non-salaried workers.

These are the people who can also benefit from this insurance:

Once the independent worker joins this modality, these are legal relatives who will benefit from the benefit:

  • Spouse or concubine(river)
  • Children (up to 16 years old or 25 if they continue studying)
  • Father and mother (if they cohabit and are financially dependent on him)

What are the benefits of Modality 10 of the IMSS? 

These are the insurances to which affiliated persons are entitled:

  • Diseases and Maternity

Obstetric assistance will be offered to the member’s insured, spouse or concubine

  • Nurseries and Social Benefits

The childcare service provides health care, education and recreation, including feeding the children of the working woman and the widowed or divorced worker who retains custody of the children

As for social benefits, they are provided through programs to promote health, culture and sport.

  • Work risks

This service covers accidents at work and occupational diseases, medical, surgical and pharmaceutical assistance is provided, prosthetic and orthopedic devices and the payment of disabilities for the independent worker

  • Disability and life

This service grants benefits when the worker suffers an accident or non-professional illness that prevents him from working normally and in the event of the worker’s death

  • Retirement, Unemployment in Old Age and Old Age

Grants a pension for workers who meet the contribution periods and the age established by the Social Security Law (unemployment: 60 years; old age: 65 years or more)

How much I have to pay?

It should be added that this service is not free, the payment depends on the income you receive monthly.

To know the cost of your entrance to the Program, the IMSS has a Calculator, which is a quota simulator in which you must provide some information about your job occupation, the geographical area of  ​​your residence and what is your monthly income 

For example:

An independent merchant in an establishment who has an income of 10,000 pesos a month and his address is outside the free zone of the northern border has to pay. If you have coverage:

  • Monthly: From March 1 to 31  $2,166.92
  • Semester: From March 1 to August 31  $12,861.61
  • Annual: From March 1 to February 29  $25,583.44

Where can I make my payments?

You can make your payments by means of a transfer via the Interbank Electronic Payment System (SPEI) for the exact amount to be paid

The transfer must have the following data :

Name of the beneficiary:  IMSS
CLABE:  044 180 00106867278 2
Account Number: 00106867278                                                                                                                          Reference: Social Security number of the self-employed person (11 digits, without spaces or hyphens)
Amount: Enter the exact amount to pay that is in the corner lower right of the payment format (capture line)

In this sense, once they make the transfer, send the receipt and payment format to the following email address:

What is the process to join?

You can register through the following website: Voluntary Incorporation into the Compulsory Regime for Independent Workers

The process consists of 4 steps

Step 1 Start procedure

Step 2 Data capture

In this section, you will be asked to confirm your information and later to enter your information about your address

Then it will ask you for information about your occupation and your income . You will have to choose what type of coverage you require and the cost to pay depends on the period you choose.

Step 3 Confirmation of procedure

In this step you will have to make sure that all the information you provided is correct

Step 4 Capture line

Finally, you will be shown the options you have to make your payment.

If you have any questions about this process, you can contact the IMSS directly through:

  • Call 800 623 2323 and choose option 1


Mexico Daily Post