Air Wick & WWF contribute to the restoration of the Monarch butterfly biosphere in Mexico


They will plant 750 thousand trees equivalent to the restoration of 630 hectares of forest

In order to help preserve and protect the reserve of the monarch butterfly and wildflowers in Mexico, the company Air Wick essential oils in coordination with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF for its acronym in English) will plant 750 thousand equivalent trees to the restoration of 630 hectares of forest in the butterfly biosphere for hibernation in Mexico.

These works will be promoted in the six most important hibernation colonies of this insect in the State of Mexico and Michoacán.

With this, in addition to contributing to the restoration of the migration of the Monarch butterfly and pollination, it is planned to pay for the water catchment that feeds the Cutzamala System, which supplies 13 municipalities of Mexico City and the same number of municipalities. Mexicans.

According to María José Villanueva, WWF Conservation Director, the intention is to form an alliance that not only contributes to the preservation of the Monarch butterfly but also diverse flora and fauna during the next three years.

” We need the protection of 13,500 hectares that are the Monarch butterfly biosphere reserve and others, where we have protected natural areas that are essential to maintain these natural processes and events,” said María José Villanueva.

With this collaboration, 870 temporary jobs and permanent jobs will be generated for 35 women on the Monarch butterfly route in Mexico.

In addition, in the area near the hibernation forests, aromatic gardens will be installed with which it is intended that 20 women, who inherited the tradition of herbalism, undertake the extraction of natural essences per year, in Pátzcuaro, Michoacán.

“ With this, we will be achieving important impacts, not only in light of the conservation of the Monarch butterfly, but in light of the conservation of pollinators throughout North America, because Mexico is important for it, and therefore the natural ecosystems and productive, as well as the hibernation sites, the forests of the center of the country, will be being conserved ”, pointed out Eduardo Rendón, deputy director of the WWF Terrestrial Ecosystems program.

Rendón added that with the alliance planned for the next three years, it will also work with the scientific and citizen monitoring of the Monarch butterfly carried out in Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, Zacatecas, Guanajuato, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas.

The deputy director of the WWF Terrestrial Ecosystems program, finally, stressed that the inter-institutional coordination of the Private Initiative with the three levels of government, as well as the support of the population, are decisive to protect the ecosystems.


Michoacan Post